/BCO-DMO/Seal_Response_to_Prey/seal_and_prey_stable_isotopes --common_name eq Chinook_salmon_juvenile-- Level 1

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# Isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen from harbor seals and
#  prey species.
# Lead PI: Alejandro Acevedo-Gutierrez
# Version: 04 Dec 2012
sample_id         lab_id   date_lab    d13C_VPDB  pcnt_C  d15N_air  pcnt_N  
190               G-21832  04/24/2009  -19.20     46.24   10.93     13.49   
191               G-21833  04/24/2009  -19.85     41.22   11.94     12.54   
192               G-21834  04/24/2009  -21.11     46.42   11.62     14.34   
193               G-21835  04/24/2009  -20.57     46.67   11.54     13.75   
194               G-21836  04/24/2009  -20.81     46.70   11.77     13.99   
195               G-21837  04/24/2009  -21.14     45.45   10.62     13.49   
196               G-21838  04/24/2009  -18.89     44.10   13.28     12.83   
197               G-21839  04/24/2009  -17.63     42.14   13.07     12.35   
198               G-21840  04/24/2009  -19.52     47.79   12.16     13.76   
199               G-21841  04/24/2009  -20.91     41.25   11.48     12.64   
200               G-21842  04/24/2009  -20.98     46.24   11.28     14.20   
201               G-21843  04/24/2009  -20.50     45.65   12.64     13.76